
PCOS, Fertility

and Your Diet

Mar 16, 2019

We know, it’s taboo to say the “D” word… You know the word, (diet). But, did you know? The food you eat has an impact on your hormones. It can either keep you balanced or throw them off. Healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can help relieve PCOS-related symptoms. Losing weight can help to lower your blood glucose levels, improve the way your body uses insulin, and help your hormones balance out. Here, Dr. Russell Foulk from Nevada Fertility Center shares information on PCOS, fertility and your diet.

So, what exactly is PCOS? PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian syndrome is an endocrine disorder affecting 1-in-10 women of reproductive age. Here are a few symptoms:
1. Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
2. Irregular Menstrual Cycles
3. Infertility
4. Acne
5. Hirsutism
6. Male Pattern Baldness

Research shows that diet and lifestyle changes are the most effective way of managing PCOS. Here’s what to eat:

Anti-inflammatory foods: Women with PCOS tend to have low levels of chronic inflammation. This makes us more resistant to insulin, chronically fatigued and prone to gaining weight. Try eating dark leafy greens including kale and spinach, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, dark red grapes, nutrition-dense vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower. You also should incorporate beans, lentils, green tea, red wine (in moderation), avocado, coconut, olives, nuts, turmeric, cinnamon, dark chocolate, and use lots of spices and herbs.

Whole foods: Whole foods are foods that aren’t processed. They are fiber rich and take longer for the body to metabolize which means they are absorbed more slowly into the blood stream and you need less insulin to process them. Whole foods include fish, meat, fruit, nuts, seeds and healthy oils.

Here are foods to avoid:
• Dairy
• Gluten
• Soy

We understand this can be super overwhelming and also, how do you execute on this information? My PCOS Kitchen gives a delicious and nutritious 7 day meal plan to get you started. Check it out HERE.

Remember, no one is to blame for PCOS. But help is within reach when you work with Dr. Russell Foulk at Nevada Fertility Center to find PCOS diet solutions and to learn how to live healthily with this common hormonal problem.


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