Acupuncture While Pregnant: Reasons to Consider Acupuncture During Pregnancy
Acupuncture is a medical practice originating from the East. It has been used to treat various ailments as well as provide relief from pain and discomfort. It has been particularly useful in managing conditions affecting the nervous system. You may be wondering if it is safe to do acupuncture while pregnant. In this article we shall discuss what acupuncture is, the types of acupuncture practises, the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy, and we shall explore some reasons one would consider acupuncture while pregnant.

Understanding Fertility: A Guide to Antral Follicle Count
Antral follicles are fluid-filled sacs located on the outside of ovaries, which contain immature eggs. Each month, during the ovulation stage of the menstrual cycle, a mature follicle ruptures and releases an egg. The number of follicles produced in any cycle is relative, and varies from one individual to another. In this article we shall be discussing what antral follicle count is and the role it plays when it comes to assisted reproduction treatments.

Birth Control and Infertility
Individuals seeking contraception options often wonder about the correlation between birth control and infertility. While many people have found great value in the use of birth control methods, there are still many others who avoid birth control solutions for fear that they may cause infertility. Birth control is necessary if one does not want to become pregnant. At the same time, the concern about how one’s fertility is affected or influenced by birth control methods is genuine. In this article, we shall discuss different types of birth control, how they work, and how they affect fertility when one is ready to become pregnant.

CoQ10 for Fertility
A healthy lifestyle involves good nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. The same can be said for a healthy pregnancy. Good nutrition also includes dietary supplements which have been known to improve vitality. Coenzyme Q10, more commonly known as CoQ10, is one such nutrient that improves vitality. It has been found to have a wide variety of benefits. CoQ10 supplements have also been shown promising results in improving fertility among patients undergoing assisted reproduction treatments.

Discomfort During Intercourse, While Pregnant
Discomfort during intercourse, medically known as dyspareunia, is defined as discomfort or pain that occurs before, during, or after sexual activity. Research has shown that dyspareunia affects 3 to eighteen percent of women worldwide. Discomfort during intercourse while pregnant affects women due to a variety of factors. In this article, we are going to discuss the factors that contribute to this discomfort or pain. We shall also suggest a few things you can try in order to have a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Egg Donation Process: What to Expect
Egg donation, as a part of assisted reproductive technology, has provided many couples and individuals an opportunity to conceive a child. These couples rely on egg donation for many reasons, both physical and emotional, ranging from infertility to a desire to avoid the transference of genetic conditions or diseases. The process of egg donation includes extensive tests, a course of treatments with hormone treatments, and an extraction procedure that is simple and brief. Ideal egg donors are typically aged between 21 and 31. In order to be considered, they must be in generally good health, without a predisposition to inheritable diseases. In this article we shall discuss what egg donation is, the process of acquiring donated eggs, egg donation eligibility, safety, and other important aspects related to egg donation. In other words, we shall be talking about what to expect out of egg donation.

Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment
Fallopian tube blockage is a condition that is caused by various disruptions in the uterus. Disruptions such as infections, diseases, and surgical complications are some reasons that may cause a person’s fallopian tubes to be blocked. Blocked fallopian tubes are not disease and as such, do not usually present any symptoms. Many times, persons with blocked fallopian tubes may not even be aware that they have blocked tubes.Often fallopian tube blockage is discovered while patients are being treated for something else. This article will discuss what fallopian tube blockage is, what causes fallopian tubes to become blocked, the impact of blocked fallopian tubes, how fallopian tube blockage is detected, and the treatment for fallopian tube blockage.

Fibroids and Fertility
Fibroids are growths that occur in the uterus and vary in size and shape. They are noncancerous and normally harmless. They are often detected during routine pelvic exams. They can also occasionally lead to medical complications with potentially serious side effects. Fibroids in and of themselves are not typically a cause of infertility however, their presence can impact pregnancy. In this article, you will learn how fibroids could impact fertility, symptoms to look out for, and, equally important, the treatment options that are available.

In Vitro Fertilization Injections Guide
Fibroids are growths that occur in the uterus and vary in size and shape. They are noncancerous and normally harmless. They are often detected during routine pelvic exams. They can also occasionally lead to medical complications with potentially serious side effects. Fibroids in and of themselves are not typically a cause of infertility however, their presence can impact pregnancy. In this article, you will learn how fibroids could impact fertility, symptoms to look out for, and, equally important, the treatment options that are available.